Mobile Lawyer
Our Mobile Lawyers provide an Auckland wide service.
Call now to Buy / Sell your House, create a Trust, create a Will, change banks/refinance your property. Make your life easy, let our mobile lawyers come to you. Phone Richard Watling – Lawyer - 027 700 1622.
We require a payment of $399 plus GST to our trust account for any mobile law service in advance of the appointment in cleared funds. What is included is one 40 minute meeting and includes the travel charge within 45km of our office.
Let us work together from the comfort of your own home.
● Save time by not having to travel.
● Save money by not taking time off work.
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860.
Property Law
Residential,New Build, Buying, Selling,Refinance,Mortgagee Sales:
We can assist you in all aspects of buying and selling property. We can help you purchase a house or property, sell your house or property, saving a mortgagee sale, and assist you every step of the way during these transactions. Please phone our office or fill in the contact us form. We are ready to help you.We provide a weekend service from 11am to 2pm on Saturday by appointment only.
● Are you buying or selling a house?
● Do you need to refinance or change banks?
● Are you facing challenges paying your home loan / Mortgagee sale?
● Are you purchasing an investment property?
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860 or use the contact us now form.
We can assist you in all aspects of refinancing your property. These include:
Reviewing loan documents
Discharging existing mortgages
Obtaining finance - direct access/relationships with banks and lenders
Referrals to mortgage brokers if needed
Reviewing guarantor documentation
Refinancing (including urgent refinancing)
Drafting loan agreements for inter-family loans
Advising on property sharing and relationship property agreements to protect gifts from family
Advising on property sharing and relationship property agreements to protect individual contributions.
Deceased Estates
Estate Administration - Probate - Letters of Administration - reseal of probate overseas
Dealing with the loss of a whanau/family member or a friend is always difficult. If you are an Executor or Administrator there will be a number of important matters for you to deal with after the death, however, many people are unaware of what is expected of Executors when winding up estates.
We have advised over 300 executors and many beneficiaries on all matters relating to the administration of estates.
We also have experience in being able to assist families where a person has died leaving no valid or complete Will, arranging matters through the relevant Court.
Aware of the delicate nature of such situations, our experience will provide support and reassurance to families in dealing with these matters following a bereavement. We have mobile estate Lawyers in Manukau and Papatoetoe or a Lawyer can travel to you all over Auckland. We also provide Zoom and video meetings for deceased estates regarding probate, letters of administration and estate administration. We assist clients with alot of estates in South Auckland. Feel free to call us for a free 15 minute no obligation discussion.
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860.
Family Trusts and Trading Trusts
Protect your family home from creditors or your loved one’s future relationships. We understand how important it is to protect your family and your assets with asset protection and succession planning.
We take the time to explain everything in plain english so that you have the right plan in place to protect your assets and minimize the chances of future disputes. We help setup structures that complement your business, existing trust(s) and family situation.
Family Trusts (Asset protection, special purpose trusts).
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860.
Family Law
When family problems arise, it is an emotional time for all concerned. We understand that life isn’t always like a box of chocolates! Whether you are dealing with issues relating to children, which could include day-to-day care, parenting orders, contact or adoption, you need to speak to experienced lawyers who understand the unique circumstances of each situation.
It is an unfortunate reality that families find themselves in need of professional advice on issues such as separation, divorce or domestic violence.
Our approach is to work through the problems as sensitively as possible to get a full understanding of, not only the most immediate issues, but also those which might arise later. With a depth of expertise in these matters, we are able to advise on family-related issues as well as the legalities.
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860.
Relationship Property
Aware of how emotionally draining problems within relationships can be, our approach when working with clients is always to seek to arrive at an appropriate solution quickly and efficiently.
We (also) aim to see the bigger picture and will advise you on related matters which may be affected by the breakdown of a relationship such as contact with children, maintenance and residency.
Phone us now to discuss your needs 09 278 3860.
Other areas of law we can assist you:
Mobile Law Service available (Auckland-wide, subject to urgency and availability);
Small Claims Court preparation, Tenancy Tribunal assistance.
Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Attorney Documents, Reverse Mortgages; Eldercare Matters, PPPR Orders;
Family Law, Legal Aid (Family Court, Care of Children Act, Day to day care, Protection Orders, Oranga Tamariki Proceedings);
Phone us now to assist - 09 278 3860.
Estate Lawyer NZ
Learn How the Right Estate Lawyer in NZ Can Help You
We know the loss of a family member or friend can be a difficult time to go through, and when it comes to the estate and will, sometimes you wouldn’t even know where to start. That is why we are here to help you every step of the way, getting a qualified estate lawyer in NZ to help you with all the necessary paperwork even if the person who passed away didn’t have a will.
If nominated as the executor, you will have several things to deal with after the death, and that can become overwhelming at times, especially when this isn’t something we want to go through or even end up doing. Handling the estate when there are beneficiaries involved can be just as tricky. We advise that you hire a professional to help you unless you’ve done it before, or it is a minimal will.
We have advised over 300 executors and many beneficiaries along the way. We know how to make your life a little easier and provide the necessary support when dealing with such a painful loss.
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Not only will an estate lawyer in Auckland lift some of the stress from you, with their knowledge and understanding of how estate law works, but they will be able to make the process run much more efficiently. Estate attorneys will benefit you by:
We want to help you create a specific plan just for you based on what you need and how you want things to go. Helping you with the estate beneficiaries can become challenging, especially when not clearly stated. The process might seem complicated, and you may feel daunted, but we are here to take that fear away from you.
There is one area where not knowing what you are doing could result in you losing a lot, and that is with taxes. We aren’t saying you shouldn’t pay your taxes, but with our help, we can significantly reduce the amount that you do owe. Legally, of course. We will do our best to look at the estate and calculate possible reductions based on the nature of the estate.
Sometimes getting your inheritance can feel like it’s taking forever. You think it shouldn’t have to be because it’s legally already yours. However, all the paperwork and technicalities can take what feels like an eternity. We don’t want that to happen to you, which is why we will always guide you towards the fastest way to get your inheritance. If you plan to invest what you inherit, we can help by asking the right questions and looking over investment documents that will best suit your need.
Tips When Using an Estate or Probate Lawyer
Obtaining a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is the first step for the executor(s) or administrators to prove they have the right to administer the estate. If an estate is contested, then it may go to the Family or High Court to be determined by a judge. When the estate does go to court, consider this:
- As we all value things differently, the best idea is to find a probate lawyer who works on your specific case.
- Make sure the lawyer understands your estate plan and why you are hiring them.
- Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork on hand.
There is always some family drama that comes with these cases. Communication with the family and your lawyer will be essential in this instance.
If you follow these simple steps with your lawyer, the process will be less tedious and painful.
About Integrity Law Limited
We base our principles on helping you in every way we can by making every process an easy one. Your deceased estate lawyer will make you feel as comfortable as possible by offering Zoom or Skype services to communicate with you and to assist where they can.
Contact us today by way of email or phone call or complete the online booking form. We are at your service.