Elder Care Attorney

An Elder Care Attorney is Often Overlooked

Growing old is a privilege and should be a time of reflection and family. It is unfortunately also a time when declining health usually places a strain on the enjoyment of the golden years. By engaging the services of an elder care attorney, you can avoid the additional stress of financial planning and unnecessary administrative tasks

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The Importance of an Elder Care Lawyer

An experienced lawyer has seen it all and knows the best options to explore for their clients, thereby resulting in thorough planning for a desirable outcome. This is especially important regarding the elderly, as family members' decisions are usually influenced by their emotional involvement and thus not necessarily in the best interest of the aged person. The attorney will, in these circumstances, provide unbiased assistance on important aspects, including:

The administration and management of estates and trusts, including estate planning, wills, the formation of trusts, and the drafting of most financial documents. Of importance here is preserving assets to ensure the continued standard of living and care should specialised needs become necessary due to a debilitating illness, like Alzheimer’s Disease or accidental injury.

The drafting of a durable power of attorney allows for the continued management of accumulated assets and the payment of accounts necessary for the care of the older adult or spouse. It will also protect assets from financial exploitation by unscrupulous family members. If it is no longer possible for the older person to grant a power of attorney, possibly due to severe illness like advanced dementia, the attorney will assist the family with instituting guardianship proceedings.

Help with evaluating any long-term options for the possible future residence in a life-care community or a nursing home, thereby developing a financially sustainable plan for the long-term care of the older person or spouse and the acquisition of possible governmental assistance and support.

Benefits of an Elder Law Attorney

Elder law is a specialised field of practice that requires a holistic approach to the legal issues faced by the elderly in our society. Apart from the elucidation above, important issues addressed are:

Guarding against elder abuse and fraud committed against their estates, especially when the person has reached a vulnerable stage.

Help with sorting out “complex” family situations, often involving disabled children or second marriages.

The ability to provide accurate and unbiased answers for family and care-givers regarding the affairs of the older adult.

Make important and informed decisions on behalf of the senior person, for their primary benefit, when such sad times arrive.

Integrity Law Limited provides a comprehensive service regarding the legal issues faced by growing old. It is never too early to take care of things and ensure everything is in place for an enjoyable retirement with grandchildren playing in the sunshine. So contact us and arrange a meeting, either at our office or by special arrangement at your home.