Family Trust

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones with a Family Trust

As a trusted name in the heart of Manukau City, you can rest assured knowing that when you set up a family trust with us that we have your best interest at heart. We take time in walking you through the whole process step by step, making sure you understand everything that goes into setting up a trust.


Tips Regarding Dissolving a Trust in NZ

With the new trust law that came into effect relating to all the different trusts, here are some hints to help you when dissolving a trust:

Trustees: The trustees get to decide, if the legal document allows for it, to wind up the trust and divide the remaining assets between the beneficiaries. If the trust is discretionary, then the trustees have to decide amongst themselves when the closing date will be and if they want to move it forward.

Beneficiary: The termination of a trust can move forward through beneficiary consent. Having all the beneficiaries of the remaining property submitting a written request to the trustees to close down the trust. If the beneficiary is under the age of 18, they may have the court write up the request for termination, and once the trustees receive the written request, they have to close the trust.

Court Order: If the trust is operating in bad faith, for example, tax evasion, the court may order to close the trust.

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What You Can Expect from Integrity Law Limited Regarding Winding Up a Trust in NZ

We are moving forward in the way law firms are operating, by bringing in a modern approach with the newest technologies, we are making services better for every client. Some other features you can expect from us:

Integrity. There’s a reason why it’s part of our name, it’s because we stand behind our word of being honest with you at all times. Our strong moral principles bring a sense of unity to the firm, which results in more trust amongst our clients.

Trust. Speaking of trust, you can expect complete and utter discrepancy regarding discussions we have with our clients.

Transparency. We will never hide anything from you as our client. We will always be honest with you when talking about your business or what you are asking of us; for example, we will always be honest with you regarding pricing and never hit you with hidden costs

With us, you will be able to log into our system and view your documents in the comfort of your home.

About Integrity Law Limited

Together our team has years of experience been able to give you excellent service. By having the option to help you after hours on a case by case basis, we always put our clients first. We are here to make your life easier and less complicated with everything families have to deal with, there are just some things you can count on us to handle.

Contact us today for any advice you have on the services we have to offer.